Performance 3, LLC (P3) is a national leadership development firm providing virtual and on-site keynotes, training and coaching and consulting services and products for leaders in diverse small business and global companies to achieve world-class high-performance. With over 60 combined team years experience partnering with companies in transition, turnaround and transformation, our integrated services and products can help you accelerate performance improvement.
Our Key Distinguishers
- IDS Performance Coaching®, – a program for accelerating leader shifts, registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- Co-founder of Neumation™ – a process for accelerating high-performance strategy implementation, registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- Comprehensive, valid, and reliable leader assessments to identify baseline development needs
- Success in accelerating performance improvements for diverse small businesses and global companies in over 10 industries with up to 10,000 employees and $20 billion in revenue
- A history of research & development of sustainable, high-performance strategies
Our Vision
To help leaders achieve world-class high performance.
Our Mission
To apply innovation and creativity to our integrated services and products for building leader and organization competency for accelerating performance improvement.
Our Values
- Faith
- Purpose
- Legacy
- Diversity
- Inclusion
- Grit
Our Team
P3 consists of speakers, trainers/facilitators, coaches and consultants who are certified by the John Maxwell Team, International Coaching Federation, Development Dimensions International (DDI), National Speakers Association, and other validated accrediting agencies. Our experts have over 60 combined years of expertise in multiple industries.
Who We Serve
While we specialize in developing clear, comprehensive performance strategies primarily for manufacturing, nonprofits (including religious institutions) healthcare, higher education, and small businesses, we have successfully collaborated with leaders in multiple industries such as automotive, construction, customer service, consulting, healthcare, electronics, manufacturing, and transportation in large, global companies. Click here for a list of some of our clients.
A global electronics manufacturing organization was struggling to turn their business around and reduce compliance issues and costs. By collaborating with leaders to generate and implement strategies for transition, talent acquisition and assessment, leadership development, training, and employee relations, P3 reduced legal issues 35%, increased employee retention 50%, and improved revenue generation, while turning the business around within 1 year, resulting in an award for best in class for the division.